“Gems in the Making”

is an inspirational message from God’s heart to you. It is filled with great revelation and insight that will bring healing and restoration to your spirit. Be Blessed as you read these powerful daily devotions and discover the Hidden Treasures that the Lord has placed in you. It’s your time.


Cindy R-Maharaj was born in Trinidad and raised in a Hindu home. She gave her heart to Jesus as her Lord and Savior during her teenage years. Her mission in life is to help empower women in their daily walk with God, so they can learn how to overcome everyday challenges by trusting and having faith in the Word of God. Her prayer is for each reader is to discover their true identity so that they can know who they are in Christ.



“I looked forward to hearing God’s reassurance of my worth daily as I read this devotional. Through personal stories of overcoming life’s obstacles, Cindy’s message is relatable and encouraging.”

Simone Ralph, Georgia

“This book is very inspirational and inspiring. I LOVE how it talks about the gem that God has in each of us that is hidden, and that we should let it be revealed by putting our trust in God because He will never leave us.”

Tracy Collins, Florida

I like page 42 where it says, let the anointing break and shatter every stronghold that has been tormenting and hindering me from my identity. I know who I AM and whose I AM in this chosen generation.

Jessie Uibel, Alabama


“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven.”
Matthew 18:19

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“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” [ Joshua 1:9 ]